A Rose By Any Other Name

From the window of my studio I still see snow, the wind still blows cold, and I have the space heater pumping directly onto my feet. BUT, the days are longer, the sun is warmer, and I feel rejuvenated with a flood of fresh ideas and upcoming projects!

How about you?

Collaboration is in the air, and I’ve been doing just that with the team at Creative Portland helping to coordinate their annual spring show, RESILIENCE. This is the first year since the start of the pandemic that they plan to have opening receptions and welcome in audiences for the First Friday Artwalk. I feel so thrilled to be a part of this symbolic reopening. Can you believe it’s been three long years that we’ve been practicing isolation on a global scale?! It feels so good to be finally getting on the other side of that shared experience. What better way to celebrate than with the gift of COMMUNITY ART?

Speaking of community and collaboration, I have a couple of upcoming workshops I’d like to announce. You heard it here first that I’ll be hosting a Painting with Gouache 2.0 adult workshop at Cove Street Arts the weekend of May 20. That workshop will build off of the previous Painting with Gouache lesson plan, but anyone can take the class and pick right up with the new lesson. I take into account your experience level and teach in a bespoke style that fits to your needs. Are you curious about clayboard and acrylic-based gouache? Want to learn a new medium or build off of your existing skills? Join us in May! I’ll send an announcement when the sign up goes live on the CSA website.

Workshop #2 this spring is more meditative, more self-care, and I get so zen just thinking about it. Sometime in June (exact date to be announced) I’ll be teaming up with the wonderful Sarah Spiegel of Samudra Studio to have a morning of journaling and meditation at her beautiful yoga studio in Biddeford. The class will cover themes of rejuvenation, healing, strength, and of course creativity. It’s going to be so fun and so heart-forward that I urge you to just think about joining us and jump on tickets when I send the announcement.

I hope you enjoy connecting with me as I journey through art, motherhood, and the business of building a business. Thanks for your support, and here’s lookin’ at you! Happy Spring, all!


Winning or Losing- it’s how you play the game


The Long Winter