The Long Winter

The holidays have come and gone and so far it’s been difficult to get into the studio. I have been able to accomplish a few things, however, and have many plans lined up for a successful spring and summer. First, a few announcements…

I have joined the planning committee for Creative Portland as the project coordinator for their annual juried show. Although historically it’s been organized every year it has been THREE years since their last show due to the pandemic. I’m very excited to be joining the efforts to put on a successful exhibition of emerging and established local artists. That show will be opening May 5th for the First Friday Art Walk with a private reception for the artists on May 4th. It feels good to have an active role again in community arts.

Additionally, I’ll be teaching a workshop at the end of May at Cove Street Arts called “Painting with Gouache 2.0”. This class will be a follow up to the workshop I held last year, but anyone can join and pick up where the lesson left off. This lesson will be chock full of information on texture, materials, and mark-making techniques. I’ll introduce clay board and encourage students to think outside the box when choosing brushes or other tools for painting. I’m looking forward to it!

With January well underway I’m starting to think about applying for grants for the first time. As a parent, I can look at programs geared toward caregivers and project assistance. Maine has some grant programs about to drop on the Maine Arts Commission website and I’ve been following Creative Capital for news on opportunities for which I might be qualified. It’s a bit of a slog! Especially for someone new to the search. Someday I’ll also be adding “residency search” to my TO DO list, but probably not this year with Ona still so young.

In the meantime there is plenty to do to keep me busy. As much as I want to load more onto my plate I need to be aware to pace myself. The winter is long and unpredictable with illness as a constant companion to my two young children. My best advice to myself is to take advantage of nap times, good health, daycare availability, offers for help and clear weather days to get AS MUCH done as possible. After all…

I give myself very good advice and I very seldom follow it. Be patient is very good advice, but the waiting makes me curious…

Alice In Wonderland


A Rose By Any Other Name


Post-Election Day