
It’s been another year around the sun, and I’ve got other reasons to celebrate! While today is the official day of my birth 39 years ago in the year of our lawdy 1985… Friday will be the opening of the show “Play” at 82 Parris, and Morgan and I will be there with bells on! My painting “Boy with Green Shadow” will be in this group show until June 28. It is my foray into the fine art world, or at least for my art, and I’m excited to start to show what I’ve been working on especially with imagery that is so near and dear to my heart. This show couldn’t be more perfect for my work, and I think they chose the best one out of the bunch to support their theme.

Boy With Green Shadow

Play seems to be the going thing in the studio as well, but I tell you, I’m getting a little tuckered out! I don’t want to say that I have “too many interests” because I can and will eventually get to all of them… However, one woman with 15 hours of possible studio time a week needs to be realistic. That said, it is somewhat ironic (considering my recent success) that I’m now tabling the figurative series for some other time sensitive stuff.

I’ve officially launched my newsletter and announced my plein air class coming up in July. This is the first time I’ve ever gone out on my own for a workshop, so I need to market the heck out of it! I have about a month to spread the news and I have a marketing schedule, but now I need to design the ads and promote on social media and with paid posts. I’ve got some video plans for the campaign, too! These projects have my current attention and I’m just beginning to wrap my head around them.

The project to follow is a book dummy for an upcoming SCBWI conference in early August. I’ll prepare a dummy and a portfolio for two separate reviews with leadership within the industry. The conference and reviews are online so all the work will be done digitally, which might make things easier to be honest. No big portfolio folders to purchase, no matting or obsessing about layout… I’m imagining a PowerPoint or Google Slides. If anyone knows of a better program I’m all ears! Canva, maybe?

After that, I prep for my Artascope workshop in September. That class will close out the year I have planned so far, at least for public engagements. Maybe then I can return to the figurative work? Or perhaps I’ll choose to soak up the last warm days and the changing fall leaves by getting outside with my paints and easel! That sounds nice…

Anyway, here I sit in a climate-controlled room (sorry not sorry!) while outside the sun shines in a perfectly blue sky as a heavenly chorus of birds trills their joyous pleasure to be alive!!! Well, ok, birds.

Maybe I’ll eat my lunch outside today.


My Trip to the Berkshires


May Flowers