
I write this after my return from the Scarborough surgical unit, without an incision having been made or a decision about whether or not to reschedule my appointment. It’s been pouring torrential rain today and feels like a good day to just “chill” and take a minute for introspection.

September has been an eventful and challenging month. We had a family vacation, Ona started daycare… and then Ona ended daycare(!), Morgan’s and my creative work was publicly recognized, and of course the surgery cryptically mentioned earlier.

I’ll begin at the book launch for The Rabbit and the fact that it feels so lovely to (one) win a contest with my art and (two) to have my work on the cover of a book! Not to mention that I finally got met Coco, an introduction that felt long overdue. Meeting a young mother and artist with whom you now share a book is truly thrilling. You inevitably will have a number of things in common and we found that we did, including a connection to the west coast and some very “metal” moments from our not-so-distant pasts. After meeting her, several other authors and creatives, and the director of MWPA I felt that I’d polished my networking penny after leaving it to tarnish for too long. Over the years of co-hosting gallery events I have finally grown very fond of networking, feel comfortable with it and even enjoy it. I like to put the “party” in “networking”, though I have never twerked in the aforementioned scenario as the post title might suggest.

My art on the cover!

The other “biggie” in the career category from this month is that my husband’s documentary short was chosen for screening at the Camden International Film Festival and has been getting a lot of attention. This was one big push toward recognition, but to take it to where he wants it to go will still take more work for which he still has a few tricks up his sleeve. I’m just so happy for him and proud. I wish I could have made it to the screening, but we are in “divide and conquer” mode when it comes to careers and child-rearing so inevitably I am home with the kiddos while he attends these events.

Speaking of kids! I suppose it was another cryptic mention in regards to Ona and daycare. Simple explanation: it’s not the right time. I found being without her was painful emotionally, and that I was missing out on these tender young moments that I’d never see again. Luckily, she takes long naps and isn’t a fussy baby…I’m still able to get a few hours in the studio. In an earlier post I mentioned a memoir about artists balancing motherhood, and since the genesis of that thought, I swear, it lands again for me so often. I’ve got a few podcasts on my short list to listen to around this topic including Artist/Mother and a few others of interest. I’m sure keeping in the loop with other moms who do the juggle will help me feel less alone and frustrated.

Following the thread of mysterious mentions I’ll come full circle back to the surgery. Not that it’s a big deal, I’ve had this hernia for many years now, but now felt like a good time to get it sown up. New-body-new-me-post-babies and all that. But of course I have a cold (literal cough) DAYCARE (cough, cough) so they cancelled the surgery. Apparently undergoing anesthesia is a real beast and I need to be feeling near 100%. Coughing with new stitches is not ideal and could be counterproductive, so we plan to reschedule. Although, this being an elective surgery… do I? It’s like moving heaven and earth to get all the factors to line up. Again, perhaps a motherhood trait, personal care is one of the first things to feel optional.

So this took an entire day to write while watching Ona and taking care of household things. This will be the new normal in my creative journey, and I’m just leaning into it. Looking outside as dusk begins to set I can see the ground has had a thorough soaking and the waning sun is peeking through the clouds, throwing silver across their linings.

Full disclosure: I’m about to throw down some poetic symbolism so get ready…

See the potential in yourself and honor it. Wisdom comes in knowing when to go slow and steady, and when to sprint over the finish line.
— Jessica Myer

Also, wisdom is seeing the SILVER LININGS at all times. So there!


Post-Election Day


Returning to the studio after baby…