Summer, Back-to-School & the Holidays

Am I all caught up yet?

Well, geez! How did this happen? Summer was just a couple of weeks ago I thought…? Unfortunately, I’ve fallen pretty hard off the journaling wagon, and now I find myself solidly a month into autumn and starting to make holiday plans. Life moves fast, and there have been a lot of changes at home. I like to think we’ve been transitioning well to said changes!

My son has started at his public pre-K program, and thank goodness, he loves it! His new classroom is part of a local arts & tech high school, and they have some great programming including mentor programs with the high schoolers and use of the facilities such as the theater, greenhouse, gymnasium, and outdoor nature trails that run through the campus. There are a lot of experienced professionals on staff for support, and I think they are doing a great job with the curriculum as I’ve already noticed Ansel pointing out new letters and numbers with distinction. His school days are shorter, but he’s going full time. My daughter is now in the toddler room at the daycare Ansel used to attend, and is still there just 3 days a week which is fine for now.

Meanwhile, my hours have increased at IDSVA, and I’ve been cutting my studio time back to one day a week. With tighter hours during the day to push the creative work I’ve been challenging myself to find time at the tail end of the day to get into the studio. I’m proud of how much progress I’ve been able to make, and find that I’m getting stronger with my process and finding the rhythm. The paintings are coming faster now, and my vision for my brand of illustration is getting stronger.

I decided it was finally time to get a membership for SCBWI. I’d been a member years ago and had even gotten a table to display my portfolio work at the New York conference, but since then I hadn’t had the focus or the confidence in the style that I wanted to present to the world. I still would not be ready to present at another conference this year, but I can certainly start planning my path forward with the resources that they offer on their website. I’m excited to dig in!

In other news, I’m thinking of joining Folktale Week in November, which is a weeklong challenge with prompts relating to all things folky and whimsey. Folktales were my jam growing up and I’m looking forward to stretching the mind muscles and creating for the platform, and ahead of time, too!

I’m feeling the witchy brews bubbling in my brain, and more or less keeping on top of everything at home, so it’s a good time to FINALLY check in with you and drop some feel-good into a journal entry. That said, I have to run! The end of the (studio) day approacheth, and the doggo still needs some attending to.

Take care ghouls and goblins! I hope to tickle the keys again over Thanksgiving break and get back on to my one-a-month blog entries. Have a spooky-fun Halloween!


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