Building up Commerce & Communication

Hey y’all, back here again and sinking some words into the void! It can feel like that sometimes, as I’m holed up and madly churning the creativity engine. I’m attempting to make make make and get some designs out there for the holidays and my current to-do is wrap up the work I’ve been doing and focus on getting new work ready for sale. Unfortunately, I still have to create the store! Then market it! It is a possibility that my studio practice is still too green to churn out products for sale in time for the festivities, but if you shoot for the stars and miss you’re still somewhere out in the stratosphere, amiright?

My big next plans are to get some cards designed and up on my Instagram and website. I’ll also have prints for sale with options for some to be framed. I’ll work on t-shirt designs, too, but that really feels like it won’t happen until later even if I’m being optimistic. I do love that the studio practice feels just as connected to the seasons and the passage of time, as did my gallery work. I used to love that the winter work was like hibernation and catch up while the summer work was active and social and full of sales. Each new month brought a new flavor of art, as does my work now- or will.

Once I have a large enough body of work I have big plans for marketing, presentation, sales, and a new social calendar for myself. I look forward to the networking and marketing aspect of the work as I feel that is one area I am sorely lacking. One might say it’s never too soon to do that work, but as a multi-tasker by nature, my plate is already so full with a variety of projects I hope to accomplish by deadline that I have to submit to the fact that I’m just not ready for that WORLD of work. It’s another brain space I’d have to tap into, and I’ll get there.

First thing’s first… finish up my son’s Halloween costume. DEADLINE NUMERO UNO. He’s going to be an ambulance and he’s the one fan I have that I can’t let down because he is absolutely paying attention. Are you?! Hopefully someday….


Etsy, the Holidays & a whole New Year


Questioning how to labor on Labor Day